Websites that I used for the informative part of my documentary:
Both the information that I recieved about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln came from the same website.
Freidel, Frank. Sidey, Hugh. Presidential Biographies. White House Historial Association. 2006. June, 2013.
The quote that I used from Thomas A. Edison, came from a website.
Thomas A. Edison. Goodreads. Good-reads Inc.. 2013. June, 2013.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Summary of Class 5.29-5.31
On Wednesday, we had a relaxed class for the most part. We were all handed a chart and with this cart, we were supposed to fill it in. This chart contained all of the different doctrines that we have learned about in the past week or so. With these doctrines, we were to write down how it showed the U.S. being a friendly neighbor and how it showed the U.S. being imperialistic. After we did this, we went over it all and discussed it. On Wednesday night, we were asked to look at a sophia tutorial and learn about what we would be doing in class on Thursday. Thursday came around and when we walked in, we were assigned a number. This number signified whether you would be debating pro bush doctrine or con bush doctrine. I was con bush doctrine and I had a fun time because I do truly believe it is not a good policy. On Friday, we worked on our history project that we were assigned a couple of days ago.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
The Haitian's response
Question 1: "How have the Haitians responded to the presence of U.S. Marines in their country?"
The Haitian's response to the terrible things the U.S. Marines have done while in the presence of their country:
Haiti, 1920
In 1910, 10 years from today, The Haitian treasury was taken control of and managed by a number of banks. Four years later, the U.S. marines were asked to protect the gold when they denied Haiti access to them. For protection, the U.S. moved the gold to vaults found in New York bank's. In August of 1915, the U.S. marines returned to Haiti and stated that they were needed so that they could "protect foreign lives and property." With this protection from the U.S. marines, they (Americans), started to create a new malitia for Haiti. With the U.S. now trying to take over this small nation, Charlemagne Peralte attempted to lead a resistance movement.
With this resistance movement, Peralte read a speech in hopes to persuade Haitians to go against the U.S. marines that were in Haiti. He claims that the U.S. has been in Haiti for too long and they have created a lot of crime while based there. Many of the Haitians are strongly against the U.S. marines because they have "...brought in almost four years of continuos insults, incredible crimes, killings, theft and barbarian acts, the secrets of which are known only to Americans." - Peralte
The Haitian's response to the terrible things the U.S. Marines have done while in the presence of their country:
Haiti, 1920
In 1910, 10 years from today, The Haitian treasury was taken control of and managed by a number of banks. Four years later, the U.S. marines were asked to protect the gold when they denied Haiti access to them. For protection, the U.S. moved the gold to vaults found in New York bank's. In August of 1915, the U.S. marines returned to Haiti and stated that they were needed so that they could "protect foreign lives and property." With this protection from the U.S. marines, they (Americans), started to create a new malitia for Haiti. With the U.S. now trying to take over this small nation, Charlemagne Peralte attempted to lead a resistance movement.
With this resistance movement, Peralte read a speech in hopes to persuade Haitians to go against the U.S. marines that were in Haiti. He claims that the U.S. has been in Haiti for too long and they have created a lot of crime while based there. Many of the Haitians are strongly against the U.S. marines because they have "...brought in almost four years of continuos insults, incredible crimes, killings, theft and barbarian acts, the secrets of which are known only to Americans." - Peralte
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Summary of Class 5/20-5/21
It's been a while since I've blogged because up until this week we haven't done much, seeing MCAS was last week. This whole idea of a flipped classroom is not my favorite because I feel like we aren't learning anything and we are just going into class and doing activities. I liked when we would take notes and step by step, Mr.Boyle would explain it to us. I feel as if I might not be prepared as well to take the final in June. Yesterday in class, we talked about Imperialism and the Panama Canal. To start class, we looked at a cartoon and then answered questions with a partner. After we answered the questions, we had a discussion. After, we looked at a speech and broke it up into pieces. Today in class we looked at the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. With this, we looked at two different text 's and picked out the key words. We also summarized it all and then put it into our own words. Once we finished this with our groups, we went on to share with the class what we had said.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Summary of Class 4/26-5/1
Over the past couple of days, Mr.Boyle has not been in school. While he is gone, he is letting us work on our projects while we watch a movie. So far, the movie is interesting. I had some problems with the program scratch, but now I am using Power Point, which is much easier for working on our project.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Summary of Class 4/23-4/24
On Wednesday in class, we took a look at the life on the prairie and the many hardships that went along with it. One of the many troubles on the prairie was that the people lived in soddie houses. To learn about soddie houses, we started off by smelling the grass that these houses were made of. We were asked if we would be able to live in one, with all the stench and I don't think I'd be able to do it. We were then asked to sit, sleep, cook, and eat in the small area that would be considered our house with a group of five other people. Mr.Boyle wanted to know if the area and the amount of people would affect us and seeing that the soddie houses were smaller than my bedroom now, it definitely would. Back then in all of the pictures, you had to hold your position for a minute or else the picture would get blurry. Because of this, we also had to do the same thing. On Thursday in class, we were in the computer lab and put into groups. Each group had a different tool that was used on the prairie in which they had to create a presentation on. Tomorrow in class, we will be presenting these presentations and we will be trying to sell our product, imagining that we lived in the 1800's.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Summary of Class 4/12 and 4/22
On the Friday before April Vacation, we took a look at the push and the pull factors for people moving west. Since no one was able to watch the sophia video from the night before, we took the time in class to watch it. For each topic (push and pull), we had to come up with three questions. These questions were later used in our socratic seminar. Each question had a different level of difficulty where in one question, the answer was obvious, in the other you had to analyze to find the answer, and in the last one ,you had to think beyond the video and connect it to the world. In our socratic seminar, we were assigned to either a push or a pull factor and based on which group you were in, you either had to have a discussion while the other group listened and took notes or you were the group that took notes, while listening to the other group. Once ten minutes was done, the roles changed. In class today we were in the computer lab and we were introduced to the 16% plan. This plan gives us 6 days of class time to work on accomplishing the goal of getting a badge on a topic that we have chosen from a list. With this topic that we chose for our badge, we have to complete multiple quests along the way. These are going to be judged by a group of people, but will not count as a grade in any way. We are supposed to present our finding to our class on June 10th.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Summary of Class 4/11
Today in class we were asked to pair up with someone. Because of the odd number, I was partners with Sarah and Rachel. We were immediately asked multiple questions about Manifest Destiny that were projected on the board. These questions ranged from what is Manifest Destiny to questions about pictures that had relevance to the topic. We were introduced to the idea of Manifest Destiny in our tutorials that we were assigned to watch last night. We were then given some new questions about Manifest Destiny and we were assigned to create a skit with our partners, in which we answered the questions. For the most part, everyones skits were pretty impressive.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Overall Impact of the Erie Canal
The overall impact of the Erie Canal was positive The Erie Canal most importantly, was a way of western expansion. This western expansion was now quicker and more affordable because of the Erie Canal. Along the route, it gave the opportunity for more social and economical development, in a sense that more people were stopping in these towns, in which business was now booming. The Erie Canal was also a significant improvement in means of trading and shipping.Although the Erie Canal had some down falls, for the most part the impact was positive. Some of the downfalls of the Erie Canal was that it was a transporter for many diseases, such as cholera.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Summary of Class 4/5-4/8
Due to the half day on Friday, we did not have class. Today Mr.Boyle was absent, so we had Ms.Jones as our sub. She gave us five documents to read that were all about the Oregon trail. With these five documents, we wrote a short paragraph on each, shortly summarizing it. We were then assigned to writing three journal entries on the back of the paper. Over all, the assignment was easy, but it took a lot of time.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Summary of Class 4/3-4/4
On Wednesday we did not have class due to accuplacer testing that our whole history class had to take. On Thursday however, we created a slogan, an icon, and a poem. We did this after we were introduced to the star spangled banner and the slogans that were around during the war of 1812. We were partnered up and with our partner, everyone received a different document. My partner and I received a document about the British perspective on the war. They believed that it was just an annoyance and they were more focused on Napoleon We then took facts and created a slogan, an icon, and a picture. We then presented them to the class.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Flipped Class Room- Snap Debate 4/2
Today in history class, we were put into groups based on what we answered in the survey yesterday night. The survey asked us what we thought was the most influential event that caused the War of 1812. I picked the Impressment and when asked if we wanted to change based on others speeches, I continued to stay in my group. Impressment was when the Royal Navy went aboard U.S. ships and took men without notice. They then placed these men into their navy. They did this because they thought that some were British citizens, even though they picked random people. In one instance, the British took four men and those four men were later proved to be U.S. citizens. I believe that this was one of the things that started the war because they were taking men off their ship without a cause, that were not even British citizens. The British had no reason to be taking them, which gave the U.S. a reason to fight. Although events such as the Chesapeake Affair, Orders in Council, and Incitement, I still believed that Impressment was the biggest cause for the War of 1812.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Summary of Class 3/25-3/26
Yesterday in class, we happened to have a shortened class because MCAS testing ran later than expected. Instead of waisting ten-twenty minutes on doing an activity, we talked about upcoming events. Mr.Boyle was so generous in giving us an extra day to work on our projects due to snow days. We then talked about an upcoming thing called a flip class in which we will we learning the event at home and then coming to class prepared to do an activity on it. Today, we had another shortened class due to a stay in place. Once we were able to go to class, we read and answered questioned that followed about the Black Panther group. The black panthers were run by Huey Newton. We learned about their ten percent plan and determined if it was reasonable or unreasonable. We then had a discussion on what we thought, where Mr.Boyle played the devils advocate.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Summary of Class 3/21-3/22
Yesterday, we completed the sheets that we received a while ago and then we had a discussion about the papers. Today in class, we started off class by looking at a picture and answering questions mainly about how we felt while looking at the picture and what we thought it was about. We later found out that it was Martin Luther King Jr.'s march from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery, Alabama over a bridge. We then talked about the new laws that were put in place around that period.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Summary of Class 3/18-3/19
Yesterday in class, we got into groups based on a document we received last week, we then got a big document. Each group got a different document. With our groups, we read our four page document and then answered the questions that followed. We then got into different groups and shared our findings because each group got a different document. We did not get time to finish in class. Today, we did not have class because we had another snow day.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Summary of Class 1/14-1/15
On Thursday in class, we started our class by introducing what sit ins were.We learned that sit ins were when were non violent protests where African Americans and whites that were supporters, would sit in an area not designated to their race and not move, no matter what. We watched a video on this to better our knowledge. Today in class, we took notes and watched a video about another group that participated in sit ins. Unlike the other sit ins that were in a restaurant, this took place on a bus. The African Americans sat on this buses, so white people could not. Angered by this, whites threw stuff at them, beat them, slashed the tires, etc.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Summary of Class 3/12-3/13
Yesterday I was absence from class, but from what I heard, the class watched a movie about Civil Rights and answered some questions on it. Today in class, we started off by reading a document about Little Rock. Little Rock was the place where the mob started and 9 students were escorted all around by armed soldiers. After we read this document, we talked about it and then we watched a video on this event. We were also asked the question: could anything like this happen in the real world, today? Many off us said no, but few said yes. The few that said yes were right and with this information, we were given another document. This document said that a similar thing happened in Louisiana in 2006.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Summary of Class 3/7-3/8
On Thursday we spent the whole class talking about Rosa Parks. The first document and resource we looked at was from a text book. After reading other documents and recourses we noticed that they were all extremely different from the text book when compared. The text book states that Rosa was too tired and lazy to give up her seat, but the other documents state that she actually did it to make a point. Rosa Parks was a huge part of the Civil Rights Movement. On Friday we did not have class because of a snow day.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Summary of Class 3/5-3/6
Yesterday we talked the whole class about segregation primarily in schools. There was this idea of "separate, but equal". Many people were fine with this saying that blacks are more comfortable with blacks as whites were more comfortable with whites. Other people even stated that blacks should go back to their homeland which was Africa.People were extremely disturbed by what other people had to say and they Many believed that when they were separate, it was taking away the learning from them. Today in class, we spent the whole time watching a video. This video was about the Emmett Till case, in which he was warned before going to the South, but still proceeded in whistling at a white lady. With this action, came consequences. Emmett Till was later found killed in a river. The husband of the lady he whistled at admitted to whipping Emmett for his behavior and was found innocent because they couldn't prove that the body was Emmett. Later in the husbands life, he admitted, in a book to killing Emmett, but it was too late. This case really disturbs me and shows how far a country can come over the years, proved now.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Summary of Class 3/1-3/4
On Friday, we did not have class because it was a half day. Today in class, we talked all about the Scottsboro Trials and how To Kill a Mockingbird is based on these trials. These trials came about when nine african americans allegedly raped two white girls. With this, we read a timeline and an article in which our group was given with the corresponding person. My group got Ruby Bates who was one of the girls who claimed she was raped by these boys. She later confessed that nothing happened and she did not really get raped. With our person, we were to right three diary entries from different time periods, in their perspective.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Summary of Class 2/26-2/27
Yesterday in Class, we got together with our groups from the previous day and we were then assigned to reading four documents. These documents ranged from autobiographys, to letters, to a memo. These documents were all related to Garvery and what he believed. Garvey believed that all of the African Americans should go back to Africa. Today we read three poems, which mainly talked about how bad the South is. One even refered to going as far east as to the ocean. We then listened to a couple of songs from the Harlem Renaissance which showed the happy enivronment which they were now in, in the North. We then ended the class with looking at some pictures from that time period.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Summary of Class 2/15-2/25
On the Friday before February vacation, each group got a turn to go up to the microphone and record their scripts. Each groups script is going to be their voice over for their animate video. Today in class, we paired up with a partner who shared the same letter as us, such as A or B.With our partners, we read the corresponding document and answered the questions that followed. Once we were done, we partnered up with someone that read the other document, we then copied down each others answers. These documents talked about E.S.W. DuBois and Booker T. Washington who disagreed on one particular subject which was the rights of the African Americans and white supremacy. On this note, we ended class where our teacher gave us a project in which we are assigned to create a documentary f the assigned person. In my case, I got Rosa Parks, an African American who is well known.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Summary of Class 2/13-2/14
Due to the recent snow days, our in class project has been done, cramed together in the matter of three days. Yesterday in class, we worked on our project by doing a "dress rehersal" orrough draft. In this, we pretty much planned out everything that we were going to draw on the board today. Today in class, we took some time to do the final draft of the drawings on the white board. It really helped us that we already had it planned out and drawn. On the time we had off, before and after recording, we spent it on writing the script for the voice over that we are doing tomorrow. Once we do the voice over, our project is going to be complete.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Summary of Class 2/5-2/6
Yesterday in class, we were faced with the question "what does equal mean?" Most of us answered it with "it means the same". We were then questioned and given a piece of paper in which we had trouble because we started to contradict ourselves. We then came to a conclusion that "equal" does not mean the "same", but some what balanced. We then watched a short video, ending the class. Today in class, we started off class by taking three, quick slides of notes. These notes mainly focused on the black codes and the different types of ways people kept blacks from answering. Once we were done taking notes, we started talking about our upcoming project, the RSA video. Mr.Boyle cleared up all the questions that were present and then he gave us the rest of the class to work and plan with our groups.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Summary of Class 2/1-2/4
On Friday in class we stared off class by reading Andrew Johnson's obituary Andrew Johnson was the 17th President of the United States who faced many difficulties in his childhood, such as education where he had to educate himself. After reading his obituary, we had a brief discussion on him. Today in class, we took notes, again about the Reconstruction Period. In these notes, we focused on the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). The KKK were an organization of white men who looked to harm, torture or kill any African Americans. In some cases they would drag them out of their houses and beat them or they would burn crosses into their lawn.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Summary of Class 1-30-1/31
Yesterday, we spent the whole class mainly talking about the 14th amendment, which could be the basis of all of our classes up until the end of the unit. The 14th amendment gave equality such as property, right of marriage, jobs, etc to all African Americans. With this amendment, we filled out a a worksheet and then went on to do a magazine cover, covering all the basics and rights. Today in class, we spent the whole class filling out the different plans introduced by Lincoln, the radical republicans, and another man. After this, we recreated a chart that was found in our textbook using colored pencils. We then ended the class with a discussion about what our plan would be, if any.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Summary of Class 1/25-1/28
On Friday in class, we spent the period talking about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The assassination was planned and accomplished by John Wilkes Booth, a well known actor of the time. His plan was not to kill Lincoln, but because he got a "good" opportunity where Lincoln went to see a play, he thought he'd take advantage of it. We then listened to two songs that tied our lesson together. Today in class, we started talking more about after the Civil War or the Reconstruction period. We started with a worksheet where we compared different aspects from after the war, such as population. We then looked at a picture of the KKK holding a banner in which they were lynching two African Americans. After, we read another worksheet that talked about "Black Codes" and what they entitled to the blacks and why. After reading the "Black Codes", we then had to answer some questions about them.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
"Winnie the Pooh" 1/23/13
Upon reading about the different characters in the Winnie the Pooh story, I decided that I would be Eeyore. Eeyore is described as being "gloomy, but loyal" whereas he always has a harsh attitude, but means the best for all of this friends and is always having bad luck.
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You are Piglet. You are timid, quiet, and like to stay in others' shadows. Though your shyness can irritate some, you are courageous when it counts and are always loyal to your friends.
Although I thought I'd be Eeyore, I wasn't surprised when I got Piglet. Eeyore and Piglet both share the same quality of being loyal, but I also believe I share the qualities of gloomy and timid at the same time.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Summary of Class 1/8-1/9
Yesterday in class, we spent the whole class taking notes. During the notes, we finished the Civil War. All of the women that were wives to confederate soldiers, knew it was time to end the war along with the generals. Robert E. Lee also knew this, which is why he met U.S. Grant at Appottomax Court House, VA. This initiated the final end to the Civil War against the confederates and the Union.Today, in class we ended this unit by taking our test.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Summary of Class 1-4-1/7
On Friday in class, we started off by being handed a bunch of diaries. These diaries were written either by Georgia citizens, South Carolina citizens, or a person from the Union. In total, there were five diaries and then we were assigned to read them all. Once we read them all, we were had to write our own one page diary based on the different type of person that we had. Today in class, we started off by taking the memorization quiz for the Gettysburg address. We then took notes on the Anaconda Plan where the Union took over Savannah Georgia. We then watched a video on everything that we previously took notes on.
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