Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Flipped Class Room- Snap Debate 4/2

Today in history class, we were put into groups based on what we answered in the survey yesterday night. The survey asked us what we thought was the most influential event that caused the War of 1812. I picked the Impressment and when asked if we wanted to change based on others speeches, I continued to stay in my group. Impressment was when the Royal Navy went aboard U.S. ships and took men without notice. They then placed these men into their navy. They did this because they thought that some were British citizens, even though they picked random people. In one instance, the British took four men and those four men were later proved to be U.S. citizens. I believe that this was one of the things that started the war because they were taking men off their ship without a cause, that were not even British citizens. The British had no reason to be taking them, which gave the U.S. a reason to fight. Although events such as the Chesapeake Affair, Orders in Council, and Incitement, I still believed that Impressment was the biggest cause for the War of 1812.

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